June 9, 2022 the new office of the Lille IEEE Student Branch was elected. This new officer committee is composed of two PhD Students already working and two new PhD Students who join us this year. In 2022, the branch receives the « Branch of the year » award given by the IEEE France section. We grew from less than 10 members at the beginning of the branch to 35 members in June 2022. We launch a podcast : « One Degree Higher » where we interview researchers and scientists about their career.
The new office has prepared some exciting event for the next year. Here is the new 22/23 Chair/Vice Chair/Treasurer/Secretary.

Julien Duforest
As a former treasurer of the branch and chair of the SSCS Chapter. I want ot push forward my journey in IEEE and endorse the role of chair.

Maya Alawar
Vice Chair
As a member of the Lille IEEE Student branch, an IEMN
representative member, and the chair of the women in engineering affinity
group. I am ready for a new challenge and to broaden my range of volunteer work

Antoine Gautier
Currently secretary of the IEEE Lille student branch, I want to continue the work of the past year and keep the pace that the branch has reached the last months.

Mathieu Chêne
As a member of the Lille IEEE Student branch, I wanted to get more involved in the branch. I would be interrested in the post of treasurer. I am sure I can take this challenge and allow to my partner to organize the best events possible.